Sheri Taliani

He comes from the East and she wants to make her way into the world of porn thanks to his passion and determination. He is Sheri Taliani, a polyglot performer, in 2016 alone he grounded an enviable curriculum: FirenzeSex, CampaniaSex, SexxLand, Venus and SEB.

There are also numerous scenes that see him as the protagonist and his personal website and production, expecially homemade videos. Revelation at SEB2016, he was SpicyLab's most sought after vocalist and live performer.

He was often guest at SEB, ErosPorto, and he also viseted AVN and other international fairs.


  • Valery Vita Production
  • PornDoe Premium by Roby Bianchi
  • Zorillandia by Nora Barcelona
  • D-Terminant

Sheri Taliani Videos

  • 829
  • 8

Red in anal passion

Attori: Mary Rider, Sheri Taliani

26, November 2022

  • 1142
  • 26
  • 3.9K
  • 25 Min

Bad Slave

Attori: Miss Melissa, Mary Rider, Sheri Taliani

01, February 2021

  • 712
  • 38 Min

The Angels

Attori: Damaris, Sheri Taliani

01, April 2020

  • 3.7K
  • 35 Min
  • 25,2K
  • 25
  • 6.2 K
  • 24 Min
Spicy Lab

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